Current Archives
2004-12-21 - -
2004-12-09 - -
2004-12-05 - do da do da
2004-11-29 - Such a loser.
2004-11-28 - happy chappy
2004-11-24 - -
2004-11-14 - -
2004-11-05 - inspiration
2004-11-04 - lalala
2004-10-30 - bored.
2004-10-29 - woo and/or phew
2004-10-28 - Positive
2004-10-26 - working.
2004-10-22 - hmm
2004-10-20 - Happy
2004-10-17 - Life's an adventure
2004-10-16 - Sorry for the infrequency of entries recently
2004-10-09 - first update in more than a week!
2004-10-01 - Confusion
2004-09-26 - damn u people for not updating ur journals[not really]
2004-09-25 - an update of life since tuesday
2004-09-21 - 10th full day of 6th form
2004-09-18 - hmm now ive got here im rather tired
2004-09-17 - no description long or short
2004-09-15 - parents annimaversary
2004-09-14 - so yeh..
2004-09-13 - 4th full day of 6th form
2004-09-12 - ok so u people update ur journals
2004-09-10 - dammit
2004-09-07 - ok so now i am really pissed off
2004-08-26 - GCSEs!
2004-08-23 - lifey life
2004-08-18 - clickety click i seem to have lost control of the mouse.
2004-08-16 - -
2004-08-13 - a week of many quotable quotes this has been edited.
2004-08-09 - Life since thursday.
2004-08-05 - ice cream. mmmmm
2004-07-31 - so...? kiss me.
2004-07-28 - positive
2004-07-25 - i'm in another one of my grumbly grumpy moods.
2004-07-16 - so don't really know when i last updated and can't be bothered to check.
2004-07-12 - achy army
2004-07-07 - mcnugget
2004-07-03 - i'm ill! rude
2004-06-30 - can i introduce you please to a lump of cheddar cheese?
2004-06-27 - LA la La
2004-06-24 - hello there kievs
2004-06-17 - -
2004-06-17 - -
2004-06-09 - the worst day and other moments
2004-06-03 - summer:-to do
2004-06-03 - -
2004-06-02 - -
2004-05-29 - -
2004-05-28 - -
2004-05-27 - lil miss exercised
2004-05-22 - -
2004-05-15 - -
2004-05-09 - -
2004-05-08 - -
2004-05-08 - schools out!
2004-05-06 - penultimate day of school
2004-05-05 - -
2004-05-05 - -
2004-05-03 - -
2004-05-02 - -
2004-05-01 - -
2004-05-01 - 1st may-evening
2004-05-01 - bored b4 work-1st may
2004-04-30 - -
2004-04-30 - do ur ears hang low?
2004-04-29 - 1 sentence not worthwhile
2004-04-29 - lunch-29th april
2004-04-27 - yakking-27th april
2004-04-26 - yakked for ages about school-last ever monday
2004-04-25 - Sunday 25 april-almost birthday/tree
2004-04-25 - first ever entry

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