
on: 2004-08-05 @: 3:36 p.m.

ice cream. mmmmm

my last entry was very boring sorry about that the most likely thing is that i was in a bad mood so for that i apologise. erm i dunno wat to say i cant rememer what i did and when. dont remember weekend. other than didnt do a lot. monday i went to kims. tuesday went to cockcroft with my sister and got very hot. in the afternoon went with my dad to pick up my nan from hospital[i pushed the wheelchair my nan is a lot lighter than my sister and my gran is in betweeny] my god im so used to pushing wheelchairs. yesterday i went swimming with lau and we saw loads of people we know some friends and sum thru work. then we met sammie and went for 'coffee' saw loads more people we know. went to loads of random places. in the evening i made mint choc chip ice cream which is very nice. especially for a first attempt at making ice cream. today i have been to my grans and dug some of my potatoes and then had some more of the irresistable ice cream. 2moro ortho and prolly swimming. no other plans. 3 weeks till exam results.


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