
on: 2004-06-02 @: 2:46 p.m.


so erm since saturday. went to work which had no major disasters or rather no unfixable disasters. then came home and a bit later kirstie and i took the dogs for a walk. sunday well i dont remember doig nething in the day altho that is likely to be wrong oh i remember what i did but i shall not inform u ;). then in the evening the fabulous kirstie's fabulous party. and when i got back pat was there and we have decided to go on holiday together the saturday at the end of august. erm erm. monday i was intending to do sum revision but kimmi phoned so i went over there. we went to see sum chickens later-i love them so much. they were lovely. which made me want to get chickens not in the future but now. my mother informs me we do not have enough room but we do we soo have enough room for 2 or 3 chickens i shall have to work on her because the peeps whose chickens we saw have a smaller garden then ours and the chickens have more than enough space. i find i always remember our garden as being smaller than it actually is. so yes. erm im just about to drink a cup of tea. i have done quite a bit of revision today and revised a lot yesterday as well as dog walking etc. later on i have to go to a work meeting which i now cant see the point in going to because i am not getting paid for it and i can see it will either be really short and i will hjave spent longer walking there and walking back or really long and ill just sit there looking at my watch. it is only a meeting for party staff tho so i kinda have to go. lau isnt going cos she is busy dammit why cudnt i be busy. hmmph i dont know why i care so much but at least i can complain about the mouldy cups which blatantly hadnt been washed up-they were still orangey. and then 2moro i am getting my hair cut and then i will cut the lawn and then it is revision. god i feel such a twat spending my half term revising and going to meetings and doing chores but next week is the week with the most exams i really do need and want to do well. hmm so i can just tell myself when i feel bored and lonely or exhausted that after next week it wont be as bad. it wont all be over yet but on the 28th at 2.15 well lets say 2.20-2.30 for good measure it WILL all be over and then we can relax for a while after 6th form induction on the 1st july which is only until 12.30pm. yay. i dont know why i am saying yay as i still have the bulk of my exams and revision to do argh this is my break from working and i am just talking about working. argh i woke up this morning with biology whizzing thru my head. lalala i shall go now byebyexx.


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