
on: 2004-09-25 @: 3:03 p.m.

an update of life since tuesday

so i can't remember a lot of wat happened earlier on in the week so i won't tell u. weds night went to laus. thursday i went to young enterprise after school and am now a registered business owner. :) also made cakes in food which we dyed pink! heehee. they are butterfly cakes. i prefer to call them fairy cakes tho. yesterday we had a fire drill which our biology teacher had told us was going to happen and when so it wasnt really a great practise. yesterday evening i went for a wander with milo and later on i was almost asleep at 22.15 cos i was so tired. i have had a lovely lie in this morning. been into town as well and saw kirstie. bought a cd of a song we have on tape. from a charity shop. didnt get any of the stuff i intended to get. they have incense that makes fairies come to u in one of the charity shops or at least is smells that fairies are supposed to like. lalala i might do some of my homework this afternoon just because i havent got anything to do and am all refreshed after my lie in so i may as well get it out of the way. i am working bowls 2moro which i havent done b4 so am kind of apprehensive. but if i dont like it i wont do it again. will have an extra �20 tho :) which is always good. i feel a bit of a loser at the moment cos i havent got nething to do but then again its not that i just feel like i am wasting the day. prolly cos i've had something to do every day for the last few weeks even if it is boring stuff. so i shall go and i will read some of my book for english and have my first cup of tea of the day. beybye mwahxxx


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