
on: 2004-09-21 @: 5:12 p.m.

10th full day of 6th form

so yes that is my title as i have no specific title. erm sunday went apple picking and we had 2 crates one we left at my grans and one we brought back. ours had 279 after already giving some away. so we reckon we had picked about 500. a lot of apples considering it was roughly a 5th of one tree done. so we are going back this weekend to pick more. yesterday 6th form some of it was tedious. then lau and damion came over and we played cluedo. today 6th form was very cold. i saw the 6th form photo cos we helped check the names. [apparently the first year the names will be on it.] thats about it. going to laus 2moro tescos later and prolly to grans on sat as i am working on sunday [bowls] kimbo confused me earlier when asking about something i had said she didnt know waht i meant i didnt remember so confusion reigned. today seemed to drag. 6th form seems to be getting tedious which is bad cos tediousness generally means i can't concentrate then i came home and did homework. my dad was here so he stewed apples and i didnt. my fingers are really cold yet i've been inside for ages. hmm i'm done with this now i am too tired so i will try and have an early night.


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