
on: 2004-06-24 @: 2:04 p.m.

hello there kievs

hmm so r u liking my new style journal? it is courtesy of my sister [courtesy is one word i cannot for the life of me spell] so when did i last speak to yous? me thinks it was sunday? hold on ah it was thursday. so friday i went shopping with ma sis and neither of us bought much-fathers day pressies and i got a hairband that is very tiara like and something else but what was it? my memory really does need training. oh i dont know but it wasnt clothes. did i mention i stole lots of my sisters lovely clothes? hmm saturday well again i dont remember what i did. do u? i went to do it all and bought grow bags and a watering can cos we have lost all the roses for the cans we have. erm on sunday my nan came for lunch then we went to see my gran. it was all very cute cos at one point my uncle, val, my mum, dad, gran and emma were all outside helping me with my bit of garden-not all helping but it was very sweet cos they were being all helpful and stuff. oh and milo 'helped' too. erm when we got back i planted my lettuces and it started to rain but i persevered and got kinda wet. not much tho. erm monday well i really dont know wat i did. ah yes my sister just told me i tidied my room! lau will be impressed u can actually see more than a cm of carpet! so proud. monday night i stayed up until 1.30am watching medical miracles and lifeguard rescue on discovery health. i got up at 12noon give or take 2mins. on tuesday. me and em went to see my nan with milo and on way back posted a card for my nan almost getting run over numerous times well not me but em and milo quite a few times. came back and made dinner. my mother made yummy cookies in the evening which is strange cos she doesnt usually make that sort of thing. wednesday i had to get up 5 hours b4 i did on tuesday for history exam which went well. saw sams mummy. came home lunched went to trombone lesson where my teacher asked hundreds of questions about my exams. then we went immediately to my grans cos it was the anniversary of u know wat. she didnt seem to have realised so no1 told her. it was the same with the other occassions-birthday wedding anniversary etc. erm on the way there we took a detour to her doctors but her prescription wasnt ready. it was very cute-the doctors surgery like a cottage or small house. erm went in fields with milo and upon seeing rabbits yelled get 'em milo. he did but then i saw a red thing and cudnt work out if it was a fox or a small deer. so i bellowed my arse of at milo to come worrying that he might corner it and hurt it or it hurt him cos of the fence. the rabbits always go down their holes. hmm he came back and i went and stood at the edge of the forest that is the end of the field and cudnt see nethin deciding not to go in any further cos it was raining and darker than usual. and i wondered wat scary creatures lay b4 more-i wudnt make a very gud harry potter. we went back in. later my dad took the dog in the fields and the phone rang so i answered it. they were like hello mrs c[well our surname] i was like no can i take a message and he said is she there i said she cant come to the phone. he was really stressy and said why i was like shes disabled u fuckwit and doesnmt want any new windows or wateva. he said hed call back later. hullo she'll still be disabled later. and still wont want windows. my uncle came and after a while we left after checking on my garden and my uncle and dad having a i cant believe its been a year conversation. came home and had dinner. did wateva i did and watched tv i had a fruit feast during big brother[well sort of] stayed up a while. got up just after 11.30 today showered etc and ate a carrot for breakfast-well it was lunchtime. ive just lazed around today. now im here and later me and sis are going to nans for dinner and taking a detour-as my sister put it-to the civic hall which is in totally the wrong place. then come back and watch england vs portugal. after that i will either be ripping my england flag down or jumping up and down screaming and yelling in ur face portugal. 2moro i am going to reading again with my sister shes getting her hair cut and then we might go to the cinema. dunno what is happening after that other than business exam on monday and 6th form induction on thursday and picnic on friday is that right? so u may be wondering why this entry is entitled hello there kievs. well the answer is michelle from bb calls every1 chicken which i sort of did so i now say kiev to take the piss. lalala at one stage it was chievs[CHIcken kiEVS]mwahxxx byeee.


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