
on: 2004-06-27 @: 5:44 p.m.

LA la La


well what do ya know then?

i'm in a weird mood

do u want an in depth intellectual journal entry?[have u ever had one]

well i dunno here's wat ive got.

nobody seems to have updated their journals but hey. i am going to yak perhaps in depth and be very boring but hell u don't HAVE to read this. so friday i did indeed go shopping. we didnt go to the cinema tho. i bought a skirt, bros birthday present and two dvds. i was feeling rather like i had spent more money than i ought to of. b4 we left didcot thew guy at the station was telling us to have a drink a gin and tonic! erm so came home and stuff. saturday [yesterday] i had a feeling i was gonna get called by work so i got up and showered. i was supposed to go to tescos with my dad and sister but i didnt gud job cos i did get called by wendy at 12.49 yelling soph help me. so i went in to work. everything was already set up. tanya came after a while and helped me the bouncy castle broke soon after the first party started but we fixed it from then i knew it was going to be one of those days. erm next problem was that it was a football party and we had 20mins to put bouncer away and the trolley was broken so we had to use this shitty thing. i didnt get ne lunch other than a mcdonalds milkshake which the party mum gave me. she gave us 3 cos they got given too many. erm went home and watched dirty dancing[sisters dvd] it wasnt brilliant but apparently u have to of watched it b4 u go to uni its just like so the rules! lol erm bro got back from uni. today we have had a bbq and i have read a bit of a book. thats about all my life entails. also i am starting to get jealous of other people who have just got jobs and are earning more than i am not wage wise but more hours so more pay. i want to keep l.c job cos of freebies but the only other job that appeals to me is working weekends as well grrr. does not work. nvm i shall see.


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