
on: 2004-04-27 @: 7:25 p.m.

yakking-27th april

hey, for laus information-she doesnt have the notes feature turned on.

to change the look u go to the list of things on the left saying alter ur diary and then change ur template when u get in there is a table and u check a box and fill in wateva else u want and then click change or the like and presto it changes.

ok so everyone seems to be having a rough time at the moment but hey we have 7 days of school left be happy. hmm i dunno wat to say u have finally shut me up. and welzi if ur reading this go to university. itll be great and ur mum may be upset at first but just make sure u phone her and all shud be fine.

hmm today was a bit monotonous-cant spell. last ever chemistry lesson tho which is gud i think ms wong killed every1s passion for chemistry except sams. hmm im sure i have done nowhere near enough revision. i can do sum 2moro tho. 2moro is already completely full there is no spot free.

:go to school, physics-make notes on astronomy, food-exam prep, maths-mock, at lunch trombone lesson so i will get about ten minutes of lunch prolly less, then english and after school as business then home drop stuff off go to nans for dinner by this time it will be quarter to 5, eat dinner come home watch 'danger on the beach' do work/revision then watch 'bad girls' at 9 then prepare for bed and finallly go to bed. may have to fit trombone practise in there somewhere.

made packet cheesecake earlier-i dont actually think theres ne cheese in there. u add milk to the topping and melted butter to the base tasted alright.

hmm btw its 2 weeks till my birthday.

i shall go got things to do. mwah peace love youxxx


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