
on: 2004-04-26 @: 7:10 p.m.

yakked for ages about school-last ever monday

hey everybody. did ya miss me?

not that i went very far.

so last night i had a majorly weird very long winded dream that makes absolutely no sense-i may tell u about it sumtime. this morning i was feeling rather tired but got up once i realised that today was to be our last ever monday of compulsary schooling. i think 2moro is our last ever chemistry lesson because were supposed to be doind the science we're not on rotation for next week to recap. im v pleased cos at the moment chemistry has got crappier and crappier and is almost unbearable cos miss is such a bitch and yells the whole time. hmm 4 maths lessons left-monday is bank holiday and our teacher informs us we will be doing mocks and she wont make us do nethnig in the last lesson so 3 maths lessons left ever! eeeeee. english was very boring we learnt about commar splices which hunt said he didnt learn until uni well nehoo we also did exam prep. i got my result from the exam practise we did last week which was the first one i ever did and i got an A!!! eeee thats very good considering i am only supposed to be getting a b for english mty coursework was very good and i got a b from that so i can be looking at a good b me thinks hmm that has cheered me up cos i thought the exam wud bring me down in english but clearly not i am now more confident. food this afternoon was almost a complete waste of time-i seemed to know more than miss or at least know wat was going on-i think she needs a holiday. i screwed up my glasses in maths so i had to take a trip to the opicians-it was teh same person who practically chose my glasses for me she reminds me of sam from work. and just kept saying bless you and it happens. twas sweet then i came home and read the paper and got rather a shock-they used to suggest 20 minutes of exercise 3 times a week but now they r suggesting 30 minutes 5 times a week for an adult and the worse is yet to come if u r under 18[it actually said children under 18-i thought all children were under 18 if not tell me otherwise] nehow if ur under 18 its 1hours exercise 5 times a week. so i immediately took milo for a walk. having said that it said it can be broken into chunks but if they are not longer than 10minutes then they do not count and u have to be slightly out of breath. lordy lordy lordy lol. scary stuff we're all gonna die young-like next week. hmm we had dinner and stuff then we went to tescos and now i am here. i have put shitloads of diprobase-moisturiser on my face and neck cos my eczema is all crappy again. having said that i keep saying how bad my skin is but it is nowhere near as bad as my skin was last summer. im just hoping its not the start of that again. my mother has decided it may be due to chocolate and told me not to eat it for a week. i suppose it cud be cos i didnt have ne for 2 months and then had loads so my body may have seen it as poison. lol. hmm tally bye then me darlings mwahxxx oh and by the way shelley thinks abi and that are boring-and never have fun cos shes always moaning. it made me laugh cos abni had a go at me for listening into her conversation and shelley said to me today i always listen to their conversation and its really boring and no matter if they are in front or behind us they never shut up and it is so annoying. i agree that it is annoying they wudnt shut up and we were doing a mock today i was having a drink and really wanted to throw my drink over abi. i didnt because i was worried i wud get thirsty cos it is such a hot day! hmm sorry abi but its true. luv yall mwah


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