
on: 2004-04-29 @: 1:17 p.m.

lunch-29th april


12 days till my birthday

its raining and the weather is generally crappy.

just did a spanish practise exam thing i was the only one that did higher and i ended up giving up cos it was hard and people kept distracting me.

hmm for ur information the following are coming to my party almost definately: kirstie, lau, kim, kelly, sam, shelley c. and rach might be coming too.

a question do u want marsbar cheesecsake because my miother informs me we have around 5 packets of mini eclairs and shud ahve them so do u want bothh or just eclairs? mail me. u know the addess.

1 month till kirsties birthday

btw my hot chilli pepper plant has at least doubled in size in the week and a bit i have had it. eeeeeeee.


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