
on: 2004-09-10 @: 8:09 p.m.


ok so wateva im in a really pissy mood and want to snap at people who are trying to help me because they assume things. its annoying me that i cant put wat i really feel because some people i dont want to read this do. and i dont want a new journal. in general sixth form is ok im hoping that in a couple of weeks it will be great. i have spoken to a lot of people who have agreed that 6th form is not as good as they expected it to be. then again part of that is me being self concious. college wud have been worse so u know no solution i am not leaving education so wateva. [im not considering it either if i worried u then i will no way consider quitting 6th form] not doing anything for definate this weekend prolly go into town for various things. hmmm back to wats happened ive had loads of really bad headaches and generally felt really bad. i have fallen over so many times. my knee was already injured four weeks ago tomorrow. i slipped when getting into bed landing on the bit that sticks out that is my ankle banging my chest and shin also. i banged my head on the shower door[metal sticky outy bit]tripped over my space hopper. scraped my leg numerous times on the metal runners on the food tables burnt my tongue scraped arm on metal door part banged already sore ankle twisted and cracked bad knee. knelt on lamp and cut other knee. prolly more but u get the idea...

oh yes milo has kennel cough. so he's all sad. im gonna go byebyexx i phoned u earlier lau in case u dont get the message and congrats for messing ur foot up mwah.


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