
on: 2004-07-16 @: 10:54 p.m.

so don't really know when i last updated and can't be bothered to check.

I have just found out some news that will please kirstie greatly but i wont be able to tell her until she gets back from china: mr cheetham's leaving wooooooooooo. i feel kinda bad about how hated he was but neva mind at least i dont have to worry about him teaching me next year. erm so my nan is in hospital. wednesday peeps came over thursday i didnt do much today again i didnt do much but i did go into town. twas my sisters graduation yesterday and it sounded really good. 2moro i am waxing legs etc. in preparation for holiday and doing last minute washing. we are going to tescos early as a favour for my mum. sunday i am making a roast and monday on holiday. unfortunately there wasnt a w/chair space on the train we'd booked for so we have to get and earlier one that leaves at 7.15 am so we have to be at the station for a while before then so i have to get up super mega early. i am really looking forward to it tho. im starting to get pissed off at people complaining about things that arent my fault and also complaining to a group when i have been trying but u need others to try for it to work. sorry that seems a bit rude but i am tired grumpy and lonely. i have been wearing my pyjama bottoms for the last so many hours im not sure why but i have. so i shall go now byebyexxx.


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