
on: 2004-07-12 @: 7:25 p.m.

achy army

so my last entry was on wednesday that seems such a very long time ago but to have gone so fast. i have an achy army so it is questionable as to how much i may or may not write. so wednesday was my last trombone lesson-i didnt know but it was cos we had a lesson in sats week. erm cant remember what i did after that. thursday went to see nurse and then into town. came back and dont think i did much else. friday went to laus for picnic and we watched dvds. came back feeling absolutely wiped out. saturday was bens birthday. we got up early so my bro cud have his presents b4 my mum went to work. i ended up having a nap in the afternoon. me and geri decided on the spur of the moment to make a cake. we used hot chocolate instead of cocoa. and had 2 boxes of eggs 1 was a month out of date and the other a week. we used the week out of date ones but there was only 2 and we needed 3 so we just had less eggs. the cake tasted damn gud. sunday i went to work and worked with work experience guy who was brendan's brother. every1 seemed to be in a random mood. sum woman went on and on about the fact we ran out of squash when we had given them the last of it during bouncy castle break. they hadnt brought cups or drink when it clearly states they have to provide their own. she wrote on the questionnaire about it saying they went home to get sum. well why didnt they just bring their own in the first place? hmmph. today i helped kirstie to wax her legs. milo has been to the vets. and my mother has decided i must go to the doctors 2moro. i refused cos i reckon they'll say theres nothing wrong or its just a cough. my mum says i should go cos its lasted so long [10days] my sister also insists that i shud go. my mum said my dad will ring but i am thinking they'll intimidate me into saying nothings wrong. hmm i have lost 5lbs in a week tho. i weigh slightly more than 5lbs less now cos i have food inside me and different time of day etc. nehow i'd better go. i am gonna buy wax soon cos im on holiday on monday. which reminds me that we still havent booked the trains. argh.


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