
on: 2004-07-25 @: 5:14 p.m.

i'm in another one of my grumbly grumpy moods.

so what do u want to know. i've been on holiday which was great but very tiring tho. only sent postcards to the grandmas. train journeys were rather tedious especially on the way back when there wasnt a holiday to look forward to . the train was more than a foot above the platform at penrith station which wud have been fine but sum random guy hurried me off the train and i ended up dropping the suitcase on my arm and bruising it. lol. virgin trains are so much nicer than first great western etc. hmmm. yesterday was work for a very short period. people kept commenting how quiet i was. lol i was tired and bad moody. my nan is still ill and has been back into hospital and come out again. so my mum is spending a lot of her time not here checking up on my nan and getting her prescriptions and working. we watched the missing yesterday which was quite good-i cried at the end when they killed tommy lee. im listening to my new cd. today i have made biscuits and added marshmallows to them. just been making dinner now. tomorrow i am going to see my gran and i have nothing else planned until exam results and holiday last week of break. it seems strange that i feel more stressed now than i did when i was at school and during gcses. the only plus is that i am sleeping well at the moment. waking up early. i didnt sleep so well last night cos my bros bed broke in the middle of the night with an almighty crash.


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