
on: 2004-07-28 @: 8:45 p.m.


so i'm in a better mood than i have been. so on sunday night i texted sam and we decided i shud go over on monday to help her decorate. so i did [my dad decided we shud go to my grans on tuesday instead] a very short while after i got there i threw up so i went home which was annoying cos i had been looking forward to it. at home i lay on the sofa for the rest of the day. i had a 1.5 hour sleep which wud have been longer but the fellytone rang. i made full use of the sky tv tho. the whole sleeping thing was strange. when i was asleep on the sofa i thought i was in bed and the light in the hall was on so jumped when i woke up. then when i was in bed i woke thinking i was on the sofa so both times was confused. i'm going to write down my confusing dream in a minute. ur not getting told lol u can know if u want i just can't be arsed to type it out. tuesday i went to my grans. was trying to help my gran write a card for my nans birthday. i wrote all of it and all she had to write was 'jean' it took more than 20minutes. kind of depressing. she kept telling me she could write an a and i had written it out on another piece of paper for her to copy but it just wasnt working. hmm my nan went back into hospital yesterday my aunt stayed over last night which i can't remember ever happening. they went for a meeting with the doctors at 9am this morning. i went to laus today and we ate loads of junk. tasted damn gud tho. came home and had salad for tea which im sayign evened out the junk[i did have bran flakes for breakfast] i weighed myself and was so depressed by it have since done 1.5hours of exercise roughly. cos 40mins dog walk then i cycled to my sisters house which took 20mins on the way back and i got lost on the way which was also uphill. i was going to start fitness thing neway so all the more reason. comp speakers arent working so my cd player is on the floor by my foot i hope i dont forget about it and kick it. no plans for 2moro prolly go into town cos i need to get my nans birthday present. im really tired at the moment-i kept falling asleep watching my spongebob dvd that i wanted to watch at laus house. we made 'naughty cookies' and ate them. erm no other plans for the week other than nans birthday on friday. our neighbours are leaving 2moro they have spent the last 3 days with a proper removal van. they must have a lot of stuff. when we moved we had the van the day b4 which my mum said was unusual. they've got 3 removal men as well. our new neighbours are coming next week apparently. fingers crossed for fit men. but not arrogant. dunno wat i'd do if sum1 i know moves in what if its sum1 i dont like. a prisoner in my own home. we will no longer be the new neighbours lol. after 20months. better go my hand needs moisture.


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