
on: 2004-11-28 @: 4:34 p.m.

happy chappy

hmmm i just read my last entry and feel really happry chappy. so thursday i made my soup. afternoon was biology. after school i dont recall doing anything i think that may have been the day i went to nans for a bit. oh yes and we had a super big massive power cut twice. the stupid thing was that both times it went off i was trying to do homework. i saw the good side-using less electricity. found it kind of ironic that i went back to my nans to give her some matches and could see the power station but we didnt have any power especially when people further away from the station had power. oh well. friday 6th form and ye selling at lunch-did quite well. after school got my prescripts walked home and it rained so i got to use my new umbrella. yay. saturday worked random child got injured then projectile vomited-everywhere sumhow over 4 t-towels and my work shirt. nvm wasnt too bad although i did smell a bit. after that i bleached the floor and then tanya did too so it was very clean. i also found out who im doing secret santa for but i cant tell you cos its a secret after work kirstie came round and we chattered for a while. after she went i watched some rubbish about fat people while i munched those mini garlic breads that are full of fat lol. today we had a roast lunch which was yummy scrummy. my dad went to thje races and came back richer lol. he betted on mighty strong because its milo's pedigree name. its milo's birthday on tuesday by the way. erm then me my sister and my nan played monopoly this afternoon. and my mother has been crazily cleaning. i sort of helped. and now i'm supping a lovely cup of tea. buh bye. [3 weeks 6 days til xmas]


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