
on: 2004-09-13 @: 8:25 p.m.

4th full day of 6th form

hello there chappesses ok so i have now discovered that many people are unhappy at the mo-not just me. im happier today prolly cos i have eaten lots of fat. lol who cares. today was quite relaxed business then break business again then food which was cool we tested crisps interestingly we had 3 and had to spot the odd one out there was 2 regular salty walkers and 1 lite salty walkers and 4 out of 6 worked out teh odd one out without being told wat the difference was. the lites also tasted more salty. i think i have given many people the impression that all we do in food is eat free stuff. hell wateva its gud. then came home had a lazy lunch had to go to the shop this arvie cos there was a pigeon! lol ben and geri then played in the chairs which try and throw u off. i stared at people outside. thinking one was frank. then went to tescos and pushed my nans wheelchair with one hand whilst holding a full basket-not very sensible don't try this at home folks. not done a lot but i feel mellow. lots of people really dont like 6th form but its just teething problems. from wat ive heard about abingdon college NOT MY WORDS anyone can get in and its not great.

i've learned a lot today like there are 2 schools in ladygrove all the streets there are named after rivers, where the evil willowbrook is. etc. and educational stuff at 6th form. and for those of u who never believed my spiel about clear cola we talked about it in business studies it wasnt my imagination!


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