
on: 2004-08-23 @: 7:12 p.m.

lifey life

so life has been kind of hectic. thursday got my result which i told u about then went swimming and then to my grans. friday i intended to have a lie in but my mother woke me up early asking whether i needed waking up lol. dont remember what i did for the rest of the day. lau came over in the evening. saturday i had a gud lie in after being woken by the phone and going back to bed. then went to work really late in the day so i was confused when it was 5pm and the party had finished cos usually the parties are so much earlier. didnt do much saturday night that i can remember. sunday we were supposed to be having a bbq but when my mum got back from shopping and let the dog in the front garden he found a rabbit. it was a beautiful white rabbit. so we didnt know wat to do my mum eventually caught it but when she was trying to carry it to the back garden it was struggling so much she had to put it down b4 it fell so she put it in the empty dustbin next to her so i had to run around asking the neighbours if anyone had lost a rabbit. no1 had so my dad phoned the rspca and they said no1 cud come until today so i put posters up and laus mummy gave us loads of rabbit stuff so it didnt have to stay in the utility room all day. eventually after 3 and a half hours sum1 came to claim it. unfortunately we had resigned ourselves to having it overnight and were kinda sad when lottie as we discovered its name was went home. so now i want a rabbit lol i never realised how absolutely lovely they were before. rodney trotter, frank morris and marjorie stone came over last night[sammie, damion and lau] today i cycled to doctors to order my prescriptions where sum random man nodded to me like i should know him and when i looked again he smiled. lord knows who he was. came back have done lil jobs on and off like washing. read a bit of a book went to my nans for a cup of tea. i was supposed to be going swimming 2moro but shelley cant come. am also going to the library and having chinese for dinner cos my nan won �90 on the bingo. wednesday going to my grans thursday gcse results friday ortho and holiday wahey. im looking forward to it gud and proper. luv yas xxx mwah oh yes the other hectic thing was that my mummy had to call the fire brigade from work today cos there was a massive fire in a biffa skip lol.


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