
on: 2004-05-05 @: 4:34 p.m.


hmm is it me or is it cold in here?

got a lot to say but only a little time to say it in. so yesterday me and kirstie turned her business studies book into modern art-it looked pretty gud. then after school lau came over and we finished making white chocolate crunchies which tasted fabulous. there's still some left if u wanna taste it. altho ull have to ask me to bring u sum. so i gotsted a book for every1 to sign. i wasnt going to cos im going to 6th form but sum people are leaving and it will be fun to read wat people said. im not gonna read it till friday. i almost cried many times today and after school naomi was crying and i almost cried again. me sam and lau have all said that if sum1 else cries we will end up crying. hmmm its silly really but oh well. so now we are allowed to dress up. im not really that bothered about it it means i will have to dress up now. blah effort. lol i can take sum cool pictures tho. a load of my teachers have said they'll come and c us on friday. and sign our shirts lol. hmm very very cold. i had better go soon cos my mummy wants me to make dinner and im not sure what time she wants it having said that the shop shuts at 4.30 but she is never hopme until at least 5 sumtimes not even till 6. so wateva


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