
on: 2004-05-03 @: 4:42 p.m.


oh dear lau.

hmm so today i went to tescos in didcot with my mummy and my nan in order to buy stuff for my party. my nana got ill so we had to leave b4 we were done looking altho we did have everything on our list. then i came home and had weight watchers soup for lunch which tasted scrummy and was only 74 calories!-thats why i am telling you. then we went to fairacres retail in abingdon and went in argos i gotsted a luvverly new watch-twas kinda expensive-�59 but it doesnt matter cos i can afford it. then we ended up going to abingdon tescos cos my mum wanted to look at the garden tables. where i saw sum luvverly plants -so if ne1 is reading this and hasnt got me a birthday present but is intending to i wud like a venus fly trap please. heeheehee in tesco they do value clothes! ii got a pink tshirt for �1.50 coathanger and all. i figured that cheaper tshirt evens out buying an expensive watch-well ish. i shall go now. byeeexxx.


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