
on: 2004-05-05 @: 7:56 p.m.


everythings changing...

so 2 more days of school. every1 agrees that it doesnt seem real. then argh gcses. we will finally find out wat we got for our second piece of history coursework 2moro despite the fact we were the first group to hand ours in and i was the first in the class so i kinda guess i was the first in the year. nehow back to the point that the other groups found out ages ago wat they got for their second piece. dumdedum im supposed to get an A for this piece whether i will or not i do not know. i really am uncertain as to whether this piece was easier or harder and which i will have done best at. oh well it is too late now there are no second chances with this and ms card would have said sumthin if there was a major problem. i hope we did better on our second mock because i will feel really guilty if we didnt. we need to 'eliminate the dingbat factor' ladida i am randomly bored hmm its my birthday soon cant be bothered to work out how many days. ok so its six. and that reminded me of something sam did today. we were doing a practise exam and there was a dotted line so i said i wonder how many dots there are. and sam said i dont know and i dont care and then counted the dots. :) heeheehee. yes so i really do have nothing to say now. my mummy's friend who she hasnt seen for a while phoned earlier stating i am in didcot so i gave my mum the phone and now her friend is here. my mum did originally say i cudnt watch my programme but then said i cud and joint them later but when i went and said hi my mum basically told me to piss off but in nicer words. so there u have it. i am just typing one of my trademark entries that arent really going newhere other than down the page. peace be with you mwahxxx Sophinda. luv ja.


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