
on: 2004-10-28 @: 3:35 p.m.


I'm feeling positive. Purely i think because i did my business homework which i had been putting off and then after struggling at the start and thinking i wouldn't manage 300 words got 332. I now feel more positive about going back to 6th form a new found enthusiasm i was hoping that would happen. Its a good job we have half terms. positively refreshed. so today i had to get up to answer the door at what must have been 8.30 it was the man to read the gas meter i didnt know where it was luckily my dad arrived back from dropping my mum at work at that moment so i went back to bed without saying a word. i slept until 10am and i was supposed to be at my nans at 11! but i made it although i admit i didnt put as much eczema cream on as usual oh bollox that has reminded me i have run out of steroid cream so i shall have to go order some in a minute. 2moro i am working camp and dave gave me my tshirt yesterday size XL lol its massive miles too big jose did warn me they only had big tshirts i didnt think that big tho. lol never mind. best go order my prescriptions now. beybyexxx. love yas.


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