
on: 2004-04-30 @: 3:46 p.m.


hey everybody hope u liked my last entry that i posted at lunch from laus house. if u havent seen it then i demand that u read it

hmm its raining really hard and its cold.

so were not allowed to dress up on the last day. instead we r allowed optional school uniform for our exams. does that mean we can come naked? both lau and geri have called new headteacher evil women and geri isnt even at school nemore.

had second history mock today have no idea how well i did.

got maths module retake results last time i got 36/107 and a u this time i got 92/107 and a B which was 4 marks lower than an a. heehee. clever me.

i am working 2moro only 3 hours but thta does mean �12. :)


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