
on: 2004-05-22 @: 2:42 p.m.


woo hello i keep not having the time to update so i shall write an entry about my life since thursday not sure why since thursday but it seemed as gud a place as any to start. so i went shopping with kimmi on thursday. and i bought loads and ran out of money. i suppose its a gud thing i dont have a cash card else my account wud have taken a bashing. hmm so i bought:dress, bikini with fishys on which was a charity money raising purchase and i got given a bag as well and a keyring! not sure why. erm wat else. a squirt teddy-dude its one of those things u wudnt usually buy but u can buy it with ur birthday money. wat else with vouchers for me birthday i got a book a magasine and a candle. and with my virgin megastores voucher which i won i got a spongebob dvd. also got a lip balm. dum de dum. friday i went swimming with lau and kirstie and inhaled lots of water. also stood outside the toilets for ages cos we thought there were people in there and there wasnt. then we played on the swings for a while and went back to laus for lunch. when i got home my dad was back from hospital. anmd i discovered that the lettuce and brussels i had planted here had grown miraculously overnight from none showing to loads and loads showing. also theodore has grown loads and the peppers on christopher are more sizeable today i have been to tescos and done sum ICT revision. my uncle is coming up later to see my dad so my mum's bought loads of booze. also i am going to make this chicken thing from me jamie oliver book for b4 they come. tally byexxx


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