
on: Wednesday, Jun. 10, 2009 @: 8:30 p.m.

Back again

Well hello! Yes I am still alive in case anyone was wondering where I'd got to.

I haven't updated in quite a while, I was just busy with uni work, half marathon training and such like and just didn't really have much time to update or a lot to update about if that makes sense.

The half marathon went well, it was very hard and at about mile 3 I was very near to crying, couldn't catch my breath and all I could think was oh god I can't do this I haven't done enough training and how stupid am I. But somehow I carried on to finish the 13.1 mile course with a combination of walking/running and found the energy to sprint the last bit to the end. And so it was that at the age of 20 I got my first ever medal! I also raised over �400 for the Anthony Nolan Trust. Which is fab news (I have since found out I am ineligible to be a bone marrow donor due to my allergy to latex which sucks but at least my raising the money will have helped-thanks sponsors!)

So lets see since then, well that was a couple of weeks before the easter hols which were spent working and revising. Then exams which I think went quite well. I also turned 21 during the exams and celebrated by taking a biochemistry and clinical nutrition exam (3hours 10 mins! what a way to celebrate) After the exam the girlies came round for some wine and eating. I had a party a couple of weeks later once I was back home and all done with exams. My results should arrive on Saturday if the post isn't delayed and I am really, really hoping for a great result.

So at the moment I am working at the leisure centre to earn money while I job hunt. I have a few ideas up my sleeve and there are a couple of postgrad courses I am most definately interested in for September 2010 but it will depend on the job situation if I've found a super cool amazing job then the likelihood is I will stick with it, if I do the courses the world will then be my oyster and getting a job should be a million times easier.

In other news I got my 2nd ever medal this Sunday after taking part in race for life which is a lot shorter than the half marathon but good for a bit of faster running. I set myself a target time and came in 1 minute before that which was great. I hadn't really been training or indeed exercising since the half marathon (1 run, gym x2 =lazy bones!) so I was very pleased indeed with my time.

Well for now I shall bid you farewell, and hopefully will be back soon with an update. x


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