
on: Saturday, Jul. 11, 2009 @: 2:11 p.m.

Second Class honours:first division

SO I got my exam results and I got a 2.1! yay!

Graduation is on Monday and I am both nervous and excited. We are travelling to Manchester tomorrow and returning home on Tuesday. I can't wait to see everyone and also to have my facebook profile picture of me in my cap and gown! haha.

Yet again I haven't updated for quite a while. I have been working quite a bit although not so much over the last week. Over the summer holidays I am covering someone elses job for the whole 6 weeks which is good because it guarantees a minimum number of hours and then there is overtime too.

Yesterday was my brother's birthday and we are having a barbecue to celebrate tonight. I am making a chocolate cheesecake which is currently in the oven. I really love cooking and baking but find I don't bake things very often these days. I do want to try to bake more things I think. I figure if you are going to eat biscuits and cake etc it may as well be home made and a lot more natural.

Once graduation is over and I am back in the real world I want to get back into exercising regularly again. Whenever I exercise regularly I lose weight, even if it isn't particularly hardcore exercise. I do usually enjoy exercise once I'm doing it, its just the trying to motivate myself to actually start that is the problem. My aim is to fit into an old pair of jeans that haven't fitted me for about a year now, by the time it gets to 'jeans weather' as I call it, which will be sometime in the autumn. My biggest problem is self control. I know what I need to do but sticking to it is a whole other ball game. I realise now that this must seem ironic being as I have just been discussing the cheesecake I am currently baking. The thing is that I want to just try to have a healthier lifestyle. Which does include chocolate cheesecake! I just need to control the amount of crisps, chocolate etc I eat rather than ban them altogether.

Right now I feel happy and positive about the future, I know I will get back into exercising regularly and back in those old jeans! So heres to enjoying graduation and nothing going wrong (i.e not falling over on stage type thing) and being healthier and losing a bit of weight over the coming months.

S x


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