
on: Thursday, Jan. 15, 2009 @: 7:27 p.m.

New term at uni, healthier lifestyle etc etc

Well here I am having yet again not updated for ages naughty me. I'm back in Manchester for my final full length term(the one after easter is only 4 weeks and 2 of those weeks are exams, one is a week off for revision so you get my drift)

A quick update on 101 in 1001 So far I have completed 2 items: do karaoke and watch the hunchback of notre dame. I am also in the process of my 5 a day fruit and veg every day for a month(4 days so far) and my 3 a day dairy for a month (10days so far) I am trying to lose weight and am doing ok. It really is hard to remain strong and not give in to my cravings! I now have a training plan for my half marathon which is in 8 and a bit weeks so should hopefully see a noticable difference soon.
This weekend I intend to get a good chunk of uni work done, Have got some food diaries back now to analyse. Do the training as the plan outlines and to continue eating healthily.
On Monday a few friends are coming round for a movie night and a gossip so I shall look forward to that.
We have fridays off again this term and I tend to find weekends when I've not got plans a bit tedious/lonely. However I shall make an effort to ensure this is not the case and am in fact looking forward to a quiet one this weekend.
Not sure what else I have to say, I've got a presentation on Monday so will probably spend a chunk of Sunday talking to myself in my room(practising but I always think people will wonder what the hell I'm doing!)
Will try my best to update soon


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