
on: Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2008 @: 1:10 p.m.

Rain (again)

So what with the last entry being titled rain rain go away come again on washing day i have done my washing and it has rained! I've got the day off work today as I have to pick my dad up later on. Yesterday at work was good fun, the kids were a bit hyper at lunch time but twas ok.
In the morning we did rollerskating, when I first put some on myself I wanted to take them straight back off as I was scared! But I soon got used to them and rather enjoyed myself, and it was good to see the kids get more confident and enjoy themselves. Towards the end of the day we played benchball and I actually really enjoyed myself. I like playing organised games like cricket, benchball etc, that all the kids of all abilities can join in and I can to!
I have sorted where I'm living next year as well, have sent off my tenancy agreement today so hopefully should all now go without hitch, fingers crossed. The place is so close to uni its unbelievable! So useful for last minute library trips and just in general for avoiding the Manchester rain.
Tomorrow I'm meant to be seeing my friend Lauren which will be great as I haven't seen her in quite a while. Then on Thursday we're going to see Lee Evans which I'm hoping will be great. Towards the end of the week it'll be back to working and day to day life. Although my Great Aunt is coming for lunch on Sunday which should be nice.
For now I shall be off to drink my cup of tea and find something else to do.


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