
on: Saturday, Aug. 09, 2008 @: 1:11 p.m.

Rain, Rain go away come again on washing day!

So with regards to the title of this entry its a little rhyme we used to say when we were little and it's currently chucking it down, I start work in just under 2 hours and I am still feeling majorly tired much like I was when I last updated. Because it is raining so much the dog hasn't has a walk yet and I am feeling guilty. My bro is coming round while I'm at work to walk the dog if its not raining or just play with him/spend time with him if it is still raining. After work I will be watching casualty(if I remember)and chillaxing. Tomorrow is my day off and at least one friend is coming round for the afternoon which should be cool :) I am not working as much as I have been lately over the next week which is nice but I also expect I will end up getting bored. I'm bored at the moment trying to pass the time before work!
On that note I shall be off to find something to do, perhaps start reading a book.


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