
on: Thursday, Aug. 07, 2008 @: 9:00 p.m.

trampolines, fire alarms and a rather tired Sophie

Wow it's been rather a while since I last updated. I've been so busy working that time has just flown by. I was a bit put off going online for a while as some people were giving me stick via the net, that is sorted now and I am getting back into the swing of it. Since the last update my exercising has not been going so well at all! My friend Naomi got married which was beautiful, it brought a tear to my eye. more recently I went to a dinner party at Kirstie's last night which was great fun, good food, wine and good friends. Had slightly too much wine though.
Today at work was interesting, someone accidentally set off the fire alarm which took rather a long time to reset. Later on when I'd just finishedI had a go on the trampoline which they'd just got out for camp. it was good fun. I also got to go on on tuesday which was very therapeutic after I had just dealt with a rather rude customer who wasn't justified in complaining about what she was complaining about. I'm pretty knackered now but also pretty content. I think with a good nights sleep I should be right as rain.
I'm gonna be off now to chillax and get an early night


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