
on: Saturday, Apr. 12, 2008 @: 5:10 p.m.


We went out last night to a club we hadn't been to before called South (hence the entry name). Anyway it was a really good night out. Yesterday morning I woke up with an icky throat, by the time we got home last night I had lost my voice! Overnight I was coughing and blowing my nose lots and just feeling a bit gross. And my voice has still not returned! LOL. I feel alright in myself just a bit knackered but that could be hangoverish too. So I am making vegetable soup for dinner-very good for sore throats and jam packed with vitamins and minerals, so hopefully I can kick this sore throat thingy. I was going to make soup anyway cos I had loads of veg about to go over. So I must be psychic! haha. Anyway I have made the tiniest start on my communications coursework, tiny but its a start. Thats about it for today really.


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