
on: Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2008 @: 5:48 p.m.

My very strange dreams!

This assignment malarkey isn't going too well. My sore throat turned into a real stonker of a cold over the last few days. My energy levels have picked up a bit today but are not brilliantly high.I've also had a few nosebleeds today which isn't brill. I have written 453 words of my assignment I think. I forgot it's meant to be between 1500-1700 words not 1000 so merrily thought I was doing really well. Whoops! I really am struggling to motivate myself. I tried to do some revision instead of my assignment but that didn't really last very long I just can't concentrate. Think I need someone to slap me round the face and tell me to get on with it 'come the fuck on Bridget' stylee. I have set myself the target of having 750 words of assignment done b4 I go to bed tonight. Should easily be doable.
Had a bit of a strange dream this morning. The background to it is that I woke up early this morning and had a nasty coughing fit and fell back asleep after about an hour.
SO the dream. Me, my mum, my bro and milo(our dog) were going for a walk. Then Milo found loads of dog toys and we couldn't tell which were his and which were someone elses. We then ended up back in our garden. Then the dream changed and I was in a warehouse waiting to be filmed as an extra in a casualty type show. I had to climb a ladder and fall, then they had to put a tube up my nose, This then changed that it was medical students and I was being their guinea pig. Then the dream changed again and I was lying on the floor of a hospital trying to work out if I was unconcious or just pretending. Someone was taking my bp from my foot with a purple cuff for some reason and doing something to my hand. I was on the maternity ward cos I'd just had a baby. They said I needed to be put on a ventilator and then showed me what it looked like. The next thing it was christmas and i was still in hosp, (the same day in dream) and 2 of my friends and one of their mums was there. We left the hosp out of a secret passage and went to the xmas markets in manc. I was keeping it a secret from my friends that I was supposed to be on a ventilator and couldn't breathe. We were then looking out the hosp window and wowing at the starry sky at christmas. I then woke up and couldn't remember if i was at home or uni! I think the can't breathe thing was cos my chest was heavy due to my cold and lying down makes it worse. The baby thing may be because loads of people I know are pregnant at the mo. Who knows about the rest, i have such strange dreams no wonder I often feel in need of more sleep when I wake up.
Hmm writing about my dream was cool but I really should get on with my assignment. It's so ironic that I can be bored with nothing to do other than my work and still not get on with it. Not only that but I am usually feeling guilty that I am not doing my work. It makes sense all round that I do my work and yet somehow I do the tiniest bit and then do something else non work related. The mind boggles at the sheer lengths I go to to procrastinate!
I'll leave u now to ponder the meaning of my dreams xx


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