
on: Thursday, Apr. 10, 2008 @: 7:40 p.m.

Noodles, certificates and chocolate sea shells

So you see I am trying to think of original names for entries, I'd say I did quite well.
So here's today's news:
Last night we went to the noodle bar for tea which was very nice, and good value for money (�7 for main course and diet coke) Despite the cheapness of this I feel like I'm spending too much money already. I think if I continue not to eat so much chocolate I should save some money. By that I mean just having a standard bar NOT a 250g bar and eating all or most of it over 24hours. AND no nice biscuits at �1.09 a box!
After the noodle bar last night I got a twirl, a normal sized one! I ate it slowly and really savoured it and enjoyed it. That my friends is progress. I think normally I just gobble my chocolate down and don't give it much of a thought. Yesterday I had less and because I concentrated on it I would say I enjoyed it more.
I didn't sleep that well last night because I've gotten used to the quietness at home. So getting up today was a struggle. The timetable is getting really empty as things finish for the year. We only had one lecture today and the winners of the elderly meal competition were to be announced so I made it there. We didn't get a place despite making it into the final 6. I was a bit disappointed as we had put a lot of extra effort into it. The lecturer then went on to announce the winners for the business competition. For this unit we had to invent a business and hold meetings etc and go through all the processes involved in starting up a business. It was a hassle for many months as our group of 5 only had 3 people who regularly turned up. However to my complete surprise we won third place and the lecturer was really singing our praises. I was so pleased it made up for not getting a prize in the elderly comp. The two people in our group who didn't turn up didn't get certificates and the lecturer explained that she felt they hadn't contributed (needless to say they weren't there to hear this) I feel justice has been done! So I am now the proud owner of a shiny certificate and we had a box of chocolate seashells to share(yum yum). We are supposed to get some sort of vouchers but they haven't arrived yet. I'm not bothered I'm just pleased that my hard work paid off. This afternoon after enjoying our lovely chocs I got on with my assignment, it is now finished, printed off and handed in. RESULT!! I had visions of myself still working on it tomorrow right before the deadline.
I then came home and made a healthy tea. I have since had an apple. Later on I am going to have some strawberries and yoghurt as my treat. I am going to go to the gym tomorrow after uni for a good session. I really want to feel the burn as my brother puts it. I just hope I am in the zone and not too tired, when I'm tired I force myself to do a certain amount of exercise but it's obviously not as good as when I'm in the zone. In what's left of tonight I am going to try and plan and maybe make a start on my communications coursework. This is the last assignment of the year so I really want to give it all I've got.
So here's to good grades, healthy living and competition winning!


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