
on: Sunday, Apr. 06, 2008 @: 3:44 p.m.

snow glorious snow!

So this morning I was awoken by my mother at 7.30am and when I realised the reason for it I was very pleased for there was a good few inches of beautiful white snow, more snow than I have ever seen before! I was gobsmacked but also slightly giddy with excitement because I have always found there to be something slightly magical and mysterious about snow-perhaps because we don't get a lot of it here. With the amount of snow it was discussed and thought best that I don't drive back to Manchester today as I was supposed to. By now it is probably safe to do so as it has melted considerably. However I have decided to stay home as tomorrow we only have 2 lectures and then we have tuesday and wednesday off this week, so i get an extra 3 days at home. I am in 2 minds about it I feel guilty, but at the same time also relieved cos I think I am way too tired to drive there today and also slightly worried about the snow elsewhere. I think it may be 50/50 I want to stay home a bit longer and dont want to drive snow or not I think, in a way the drive annoys me. My brother has this week off before starting his new job so staying a couple of extra days will be cool cos we can hang out together. I used to really like it when we were younger and he was back from uni and i was on school hols, or last summer when I was back from uni and he got back from travelling and hadn't started his job yet. We do have to take the dog to the vets tomorrow tho because he got bitten by another dog yesterday. He has a cut nose which needs looking at but isn't urgent. He seems quite pleased with the amount of sympathetic hugs he gets. Although I have effectively extended my easter hols I can't believe how quickly they have gone it is madness!


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