
on: Thursday, Feb. 15, 2007 @: 4:32 p.m.

odds and sods

ok so here i am currently enjoying a cup of tea and talking to tony on msn. the sky outside looks dubiously like rain but no bother to me because im not going anywhere for the rest of today except mayb to take the rubbish out. ive just put loads of cream cleaner on the hob because it is quite frankly disgusting! the men dont seem able to wipe theyre mess up and not only that just dont seem bothered bout making it really dirty and now its all burnt on. so after my cup of tea i shall go and clean that off and everything else fridhe included needs a wipe down, the carpet needs a hoover take rubbish out etc and the floor in the cooking area coulld do with a wash. im also gonna tidy my room as in put paperwork away which is wat makes the most of the mess, hoover it too and clean the bathroom. being as lauras staying nows the time to do it. i like it when its done and i find it quite relaxing cleaning. but only when im in the right mood which i am now. im having a slightly unhealthy dinner tonight in that im having chicken nuggets and chips but im having broccoli too so shudnt feel too bad. i figure if i get all my cleaning done then i will have earned the dinner! so yes then after ive finished tidying a relaxing evening i think i can watch my tv now it works! and read some book, mayb some assignment. who knows~?


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