
on: Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2007 @: 8:00 p.m.


ok so last night i did end up going out with paul which was muchos fun! we went to 3 different bars on deansgate/deansgate locks all of which id never been to before. which were nice, then we came back to mine for a bit, overall a good night. but then when he'd gone i stayed up for a bit talking to katie and im paying for it today lol! really needed a nap but too much to do after uni. so yeh been running round like a headless chicken this afternoon, to town and then to fallowfield and lots of faffing in between got in just before 6 had dinner etc spoke to me mother on the phone and now i am here. definately having an early night tonight got to be up to go house viewing in the morning, then weve got to c this bloke at 2 about the house we saw last week. so may not be a very fun day off but at the same time a useful getting stuff done day, i still need to take a urine sample to the docs cos of me kidneys so if i have time ill do that 2moro but if not i will thursday afternoon. hmm so wat else did i have to say? im annoyed at the people at the bank who were rather useless arthur stylee[half a job for those who dont know]. and the bank in general with its good for nothing policies and no for those of u reading this i am being fair enough i am not overdrawn or nething and have never been so i have no reason not to be trusted! grrr. for some reason not allowed a debit card on my account and other stupid things these women were saying in their rude manners so fuck them this time ive had enough theyve pissed me around too much and after 15years of banking with them id expect more so my account is being closed and my custom taken elsewhere! uh kinda lost my trail of thought now. my plans for valentines day r yummy dinner followed by slothenly night in wearing my pjs and slippers waatching a dvd with sweets chooclate and ice cream, dunno if katies joining me thats menna be the plan. mayb even a hot choc too lol! this university malarky has turned me into a right boring person heehee only joking my social life is prolly more than it was at home. heehee i really am tired. i suppose i shall be off more strange mutterings from me soon i presume.


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