
on: Friday, Feb. 16, 2007 @: 5:33 p.m.


phew so now im back from uni the weekend has officially started! teehee, laura shall be here in a bit. her train gets in at 7.13 so i shall leave here at 6.30 to ensure i get there on time. im very excited! shud be such fun. this is my weekend for indulgence then im going to be more good from monday onwards. I asked our fabulous humann nutrition lecturer today wat i shud eat to help with the whole not breaking down protein properly and bad kidney thing so shes gonna email me some leaflets. i do love nutrition, i think some people may find it hard to understand why i asked her and wonder how thatll help. but so many foods interact with others and can help or inhibit absorption for example vitamin c can help iron absorption. so yes that should be helpful. erm other things, viewing a few houses on monday, tuesday is our last practical for chemistry! provided all goes to plan. law assignment due in next thursday. so i shall be a busy girl then im home for the weekend next weekend. my eczema is misbehaving at the moment which is slightly annoying because it had got a lot better and the bits that are quite bad were nearly gone last friday. everyone at uni had been commenting on how much better it was so we all thought the fish oils were working, however i will still give it time as these things commonly take 3 months at least to have an effect and omega 3s are so good for u theres no harful effects to taking it so i shall continue irrelevant of whether my eczema improves.hmm so this entry was another famous Sophinda thinking out loud entry. im just dancing to jump! as in the song hugh grant dances round to in love actually sigh i love that film! teehee eeek laura shall be here soon really cant wait! eeek eeek eek! haha sorry but u know if u cant get excited and have fun theres not a lot of point in life. i may weigh a stone more after the weekend but i actually dont care! lifes for living! au revoir for now! xxx


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