
on: Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006 @: 12:36 p.m.

my life since thursday

oh the borinbg crap that gets put in this journal just a quick question does november have 30 or 31 days? ok so thats been answered 30 right? therefore 12 more days before i can listen to christmas music-apparently once its december its fine. im getting a bit obsessed with this never mind. so yes neway my life since thursday, yesterday morning i had a lovely lie in well until 9 it was very nice to still be in bed and hear my flatmates leaving for uni-its usually the other way round im in earliest. next weeks a bugger cos were in at 9 every day. yayness. so yes and gemma drove us to uni which was nice. we went in early for a revision class thingy which was really good cos we went thru last years exam. then twas human nutrition lecture which was as always fabulous. then homelet for a houmus(cant spell that word) sandwich which was super yummy, ive been wanting houmus for ages but they only ebver had fancy flavoured ones or none at all when i just wanted normal houmus so alas i am happy. then i got bored very quickly i went on my comp, read magasines eventually it was time for dinner which turned out to be minging so i threw it away and had cereal instead. then it was hollyoaks and children in need. then i went to buhbyes and got up today and here i am. i need to go to asda and get some food. so far my list comprises of milk and bananas. i must go have a think wat to eat the next few days ne suggestions for nice tea type meals wud be much appreciated im bored of thinking them up. byexxxx


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