
on: Sunday, Nov. 19, 2006 @: 1:53 p.m.

so much for the alcohol detox

hi! so last night i decided enough was enough i shud stop feeling sorry for myself and i wud phone carly, so we went out together last night. which was good, i managed to make it back safe and sound. we went to a party at the flat next door to hers first then to footage and then 5th ave b4 coming back to hers for a bit where we decided i shud go home so i dont end up walking by myself at like 4 in the morning so i got home about 2.15. i did get the bus and then walk, which was fine because loads of people get off the bus and walk to daisy bank too. hmm so half my food goes off today so i have lots of eating to do, well houmous, smoothie and ham. smoothies finished now, houmous is on its way and im sure i can manage the ham. tis well annoying tho. its blatantly going to rain and in a way i hope it does really hard cos im not going newhere today, having said that my washing is currently in the machine so i have to go down there to put it in the dryer and then get it so it can wait to rain until ive done my washing and am back in. omg it was sooo cold last night-i had to wear a skirt cos i had nothing else to wear thank god for my boots tho keeping my legs warm. twas good tho. extra nice to get home and fall into bed.


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