
on: Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2006 @: 4:15 p.m.


ok so i finally decided to put my cds into itunes so i am in the process of doing that now. i do believe it has been raining solidly since about 11.30. i was going to go into town to get a railcard but i decided not to so had a sleep instead. i woke up when a fire engine went past. then vince knocked on my door so we had a chat then steve came in and we decided to listen to build me up buttercup so on went the comp. and here i am ages later. only had uni 9-11 today a practical. neway we were nearly done we just had to burn something on a bunsen then put it in this furnace thing nehoo the lecturer said to do it in the fume cupboard cos the fire alarm was sensitive well neway just as it set on fire in the fume cupboard the fire alarm went off. lol the lecturer was like oh my god i hope it wasnt us. so we all trooped outside in our labcoats-i remembered to take my safety specs off! heehee not to embarassing. so 7 floors worth of people were stood outside our campus on the path and somehow despite the huge number of labs on our campus our group were the only people wearing labcoats! oh well at least it was another layer so we didnt freeze too much. so yes we ended up finishing at about 10.20 neway but we wud have finished at 10 the lecturer was saying had the alarm not gone off. oh well who cares the rest of the day has been pretty bare neway. hmm im really hungry i kind of want my dinner now but i feel that may not be a wise plan i shall be super hungry later if i do that i must make myself wait until 5 b4 i start to make it-stir fry yummytastic. mm mmmm mmm or i could wait until all my music has imported that wud be a better idea, ok so its sorted. i shall love u and leave u as im sure now ive resorted to talking about my dinner i have nothing interesting to say. peace be with u xxx


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