
on: Thursday, Oct. 26, 2006 @: 5:13 p.m.

one of those days

ok so today really has been one of those days, it started off ok just a bit cold, then literally just b4 i left i got my lasagne out the freezer-the freezer had defrosted partially-the stuff was half defrosted. i had no time to sort it so i had to leave it while i was at uni. it rained all the way to uni, bronagh was ill, she came neway tho, during our seminar she went to the loo and didnt come back having left her bag so we were all worried seeing how ill she looked. both me and the lecturer went to see if we cud find her. neway she appeared back at the end having been sick. she went home eventually but took a lot of persuading. the rest of uni went ok. came home did my washing, had to queue for a machine which isnt unusual. so did my washing but when i went down to put it in the dryer some idiots had left their stuff in the dryers so i had to wait for one, thast pissed me off cos simple theory is that by the time ur stuff is washed other peoples drying will be done. but alas the lazy sods didnt come and get it and im not touching other peoples underwear. so yes. i came back and put it away and stuff, i now hav an overwhelming tiredness. i decided to change my bin and hav a general tidy as gemma will be here 2moro. nehoo thecarrier bag in the bin got stuck :( so i tugged and underneath there was like an inch of bin juice! urgh urgh ughr i cant work out wat cud have been in there to cause it but oh well. it was suitably disgusting and a bit went on the floor. the bin is now in the shower. i dutifully sprayed it with my shower gel b4 realising shud have just used much cheaper washing up liquid. oh well there is a nice smell now. i also managed to get blisters on my toes today. i have lots of cooking to do today so that the stuff thatr defrosted doesnt go to waste and then i can refreeze it. hmm ok i shall be off now i write about it the day doesnt actually seem that bad. byebyexxx


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