
on: Sunday, Oct. 22, 2006 @: 2:37 a.m.

i'm back

ok so im in from the randomest night out ever. in the end me and katie went out without the others. we went to yates for a drink and seemed the youngest in there by miles, then we went to 42nd street where we'd never been b4, it was shit so we left after one drink. however b4 we went there we'd got lost. nehoo as we were walking down the street some random bloke just sort of came at me i was lke wat the fuck he just sorted landed on my arm and ribs-bastard, i dont remember wat i said but i was just like wats going on? nehooi i was suitably crushed-he got my foot as well. i brushed myself off and we carried on walking a very nice man who had been walking behind us made the point of coming and checking that i was alright and calling the bloke a twat saying that 18years might go round pushing each other for fun but 40year olds shudnt. so i dunno whether this blooke got pushed or just decided to push me but the bloke from behind was really nice and stuff and said have a nice night and stuff as well-nicew to know someone cares in the world. so then we ewnt to the printworks and into opus- which the last time we ewnt cost �4 to get in, this time it was �8! and the drinks were loads more expensive-not impressed. we had fun dancing but there were loads of up themselves girls in there pissing me off, so all in all mixed feelings about the night out i enjoyed myself but it cud have been better. and now i shall go to bed because it is now quarter to 3 and im cold and tired.


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