
on: 2005-01-21 @: 8:33 p.m.

w-ooh swirly whirly twirlyt beep beep

phew i'm pretty tired. today i dressed up as the tooth fairy for super hero day at 6th form. hardly anyone dressed up but i dont care. we raised �306 for charity from the 6thform alone which i regard as being pretty impressive.considering the size. work 2moro. i have been really tired recently so havent arranged to do anything in particular. my wrist is really painful it seemed to be getting worse this week. i'll see how it goes. last friday we went to a 60s and 70s night it was really fun and i won a gorgeous pot of flowers (pink ones) in the raffle. they have a massive bow on them. if i can borrow someones digital camera i will put a picture of the perdy little things on here. i'm feeling so tired now lol. i've been making sexy pens for YE. we've got the cowley trade fair a week 2moro (its on the 29th) in cowley surprise surprise. my mother informed me i am like an ice block earlier. hmmm i'm gonna go now im so sleepy.


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