
on: 2005-01-01 @: 10:31 p.m.

A new year, a new life?

so a new year a time to reflect. a time to forgive and forget. Make peace with ur enemies and begin 2005 with a clean slate. I have made my new years resolutions and so far so good i will regularly update on how they are going but first i guess u need to know what they are so here goes.
*5 a day
*walk milo at least 3 times a week
*get homework done as soon as possible
*cook a meal from scratch at least once a week[me personally as oppose to someone else cooking]
*be as helpful as possible
*start a new hobby or restart an old one
*buy something organic at least once a week
*spend money wisely
*read more books.
i had a good xmas it seems never ending got presents from pat etc yesterday a beautiful ring and then some gloves from steve. and chocolate.
2moro we are having our christmas with my nan cos she was in hospital over christmas.


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