
on: Saturday, Sept. 13, 2008 @: 10:15 p.m.

busy girly

Well I dont think I've got much to say today but I shall write anyway and we'll see how far I get.
I felt a bit rubbish yesterday afternoon so didn't go to the pub which was annoying.
My diet is not going so well anymore, been reasonably ok the last 2 days but had rather unhealthy dinners. Better than I normally am tho, so I suppose that's good.
Anyway, next week I'm going on a first aid course which is monday-saturday and starts early! Hoping that I pass it.
So what else am I doing other than the course.
Monday, give blood then go to the cinema to see Mamma Mia! (again)
Tuesday, work
Wednesday, eyebrow wax and out for meal
Thursday and Friday who knows.
Saturday, my last shift at work before I go back to uni.

Today I went into Didcot shopping and did quite well for myself, some normal jeans, cropped jeans as well, 2 tops and one cardi. I bought them all as seperate things but they look lush on together. so good news all round, I've also ordered some new trainers online being as my current ones have a hole in them that is getting worse by the day I'd say! The old ones have done pretty well considering they're 2 years old, got them just before I started my first year of uni. Incidentally it seems like only yesterday I started and yet feels like I can't believe how different I was before uni, that it seems like such a long time ago. Time sure does fly and the next thing I know it it could be the end of the uni year and I'll be all finished! eeek, scary stuff.

Anyway this entry is exceptionally boring to read I imagine, to be honest I'm pretty tired and finding it hard to concentrate! Apologies for the boring ramble x


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