
on: Friday, May. 02, 2008 @: 6:43 p.m.


So the thing I was bursting to tell everyone about? Well it was a placement opportunity that i was REALLY REALLY keen on, unfortunately I received an email yesterday informing me that funding wasn't approved so it wasnt going ahead. There were a few other people interested so I guess they must be disappointed to. It just sucks a bit but then at least I know as I could have been hanging on a few more weeks. This means that I finish 2nd year on 14th May and will be coming home for the summer so now I know I won't be staying in Manchester I can plan my summer :) and I ate a shedload of chocolate to make up for the lack of placement!
As I said on Sunday I was coming home, I am home and this week has gone really fast, revision has gone okish, I could have potentially done a hell of a lot more, in fact I could be revising right now. I'm hoping I'm on top of it, I'm hoping to pass with flying colours, if not that then scrape through. I think biochemistry might be a scrape through kind of subject, I really hope I don't fail anything. I think I know enough not to, but then I think but do I? I just realised its nearly quarter to 7 I thought it was earlier, even less time to revise! Argh!
I'm also thinking that I should get back on track with my eating and exercising as both have gone to pot of late! I had a good week or so a couple of weeks ago with eating healthily and going to the gym but its slowly got worse. Whilst I still have a core diet of being relatively healthy its the crap in between thats the problem, anyway I've got distracted by my bro coming in and chatting so i shall end here.


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