
on: Thursday, Apr. 24, 2008 @: 1:35 p.m.

Revision again

So I can't think of an original title for today's entry. I am almost bursting with something I want to tell about but shall not spill because it might not happen, i am still at the waiting to find out stage. Revision yesterday didn't go so well and then I had a complete freakout! I resolved it by going on the uni intranet and looking at past papers.I wrote down some questions and then wrote potential answers for each of them in note form, when i woke up this morning I could remember a lot of it! So I am feeling a lot better about it.
In other news I had a dream last night that I got a hamster and was a bit disappointed when I woke up this morning and realised it wasnt real. My housemate got a hamster a couple of weeks ago and ever since then ive been remembering how cool they are to watch and play with etc. If the thing I am not tellin about goes ahead then I will get myself a hamster to keep me company! I'll keep u posted as soon as I know more, in the meantime I'll be off revising and I am away for the weekend at Laura's xx


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