
on: Monday, Apr. 21, 2008 @: 7:40 p.m.


Potentially I could have a lot to say-My friend Gemma came up for the weekend and that was good but after a day spent revising it feels like such a long time ago now!
On Friday there was some news about a potentially really good opportunity which I have put my name down for, but I'm gonna keep hush about that for now!
I have reached my revision target for the day today but feel that as I've also done other non revision stuff that I haven't done enough and should do more. I will probably do some more later on.
I also can't believe it's 20 to eight and still light outside, it confuses me cos I keep thinking it's earlier than it is.
I am slightly bored at the mo, think I will feel better tomorrow after a good gym session. Or at least I can feel virtuous tomorrow even if I still get bored.
I am going to Laura's on Friday for the weekend so I am looking forward to that and I guess that will spur me on to keep revising until then.
I do have a huge appetite today as well which isn't brill when im trying to lose weight. Thinking about my cycle though I must be ovulating hence the eating everything (or wanting to eat everything) in sight(hope thats not TMI). Will power please.
That is all for now, sorry for a rather choppy changey entry.
PS The new template is not quite finished but will be soon, My sister Em has been so kind to design it.


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