
on: Thursday, Apr. 17, 2008 @: 7:47 p.m.

cough cough splutter splutter

So whilst my cold is much better I am coughing like an old granny! And had a big nosebleed this morning-I must look so sexy at the moment! Teehee. I am completely on time in that I have roughly an hour long coughing fit every morning between 7 and 8am! I handed in the assignment today, which I suppose should have been a joyous moment and involved punching the air, instead it involved turning round and walking back home, where I immediately began revising! Since then I have done quite a bit of revision which is good. Gemma will be arriving tomorrow so I need to hoover my room at some point either tonight or tomorrow. I'm gonna try and get up earlier than I need to tomorrow before uni so I can straighten my hair. I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of teaching for 2nd year, it is completely petrifying that in four weeks time when my exams r finished I will be done with 2nd year and next year is FINAL YEAR!!! eek! I am soooo looking forward to Gemma being here this weekend. Then I shall spend the week revising before going to Laura's for the weekend next week, then all hands on deck to step up the revision in the final run up to exams! A kinda exciting but also boring couple of weeks! Fun weekends but boring weekdays! Anyway I've run out of things to say so I shall be off, have a nice weekend everyone xxx


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