
on: Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2008 @: 6:02 p.m.

C'est finis!

After all my complaining and dragging my feet over it I have finally finished the last assignment of 2nd year! woohoo. I'm going to the library tomorrow armed with my usb stick to print it off, I think I will give it a final proof read while I'm there just in case! After all there's always room for improvement. So for the rest of the day, I might do some revision, I might tidy my room a bit and I might watch a dvd, I also think I shall go to the shop and get some chocolate to celebrate-not great for dieting but I will be restrained and not binge just have some. Or so she says. As Gemma is coming up this weekend I will not be restricting myself so kinda figure stuff the diet until after the weekend. Well not stuff the diet just not be neurotic, what fun's there in not having chocolate?


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